et another forgotton (read Season 1) moment of Tool Time: The episode that Al hosted. Mind the sweaty armpits and
Home Improvement Tim the toolman taylor versus Al
Tim is his usually self and challenges Al to a friendly competition.
Tim is his usually self and challenges Al to a friendly competition.
Yet another request: A very late in the show moment: Penn and Teller arrive at Tool Time. Copyright 2008 Futuramklax.
As per request: “Albert Borland, Name That Wood!”. Copyright 2008 Futuramklax.
et another forgotton (read Season 1) moment of Tool Time: The episode that Al hosted. Mind the sweaty armpits and
Someone on ¥outube requested that if I had this clip, would I put it on ¥outube. Well, here it is:
The final mod Tim Taylor ever performed on Tool Time – The Man’s Dorm Room. Copyright 2008 Futuramlkax Television Network.
Another fabled (read ‘forgotton’) moment on Home Improvement: The Greased Lightning scene! Copyright 2008 Futuramklax Inc.
Home improvement- season 3…Randy and Brad write a letter to Mark, pretending to be Isiah Thomas, the basketball player Mark